Spring Skin Care Essentials
/The weather has been nice in The New York City lately and it feels like spring has come. Spring time means it is time to change my skin care products. I don't use the same products for winter and spring. I use more moisture retention products during the winter time, and more sun protection and after sun skin care products to avoid discoloration and wrinkles during the spring. Today, I would like to introduce my favorite skincare products for this spring.
1. Kiehl's Epidermal re-texturizing micro-dermabrasion
I meet many clients and when I see someone that has beautiful skin I ask what their key is to keep beautiful skin. Many people tell me that they use exfoliate products. To me, to use exfoliate products once a week makes my skin smoother and clear. It also helps to facilitate the absorption of topical skin treatments to maximize their efficacy. My favorite exfoliate product is Kiehl's epidermal re-texturizing micro-dermabrasion. It is very gentle on your skin.
私は美容師をしているので、肌の綺麗なお客様に出会う機会が多いのですが、お肌が綺麗な方には、どんなスキンケアをしているのか、おススメは何かという質問をよくさせていただきます。そうすると、exfoliateをきちんと定期的にしている方達が多い。Exfoliateとは、古い角質を除去する事によりターンオーバーを促す事。美容液などの浸透も良くなります。私もExfoliateを週に一回は行っています。私のお気に入りはKiehl's epidermal re-texturizing micro-dermabrasion。これは、とてもお肌に優しくそして、洗い上がりはものすごくお肌がツルツルになって好き。
I don't have much time to wear make-up in the morning before I take my son to school. I would like to make my skin look fresh and smooth and I want to protect my skin from the sun at the same time. BB cream is my best friend! Using BB cream makes your skin tone more even and smooth, and it protects your skin from the sun. My favorite BB cream from Kiehl's. Is a SPF50. I must have this BB cream from spring - summer to protect my skin from the sun.
朝、息子を学校に送ってゆっくりお化粧をしている時間なんてない!でも、スッピンでは外に出たくないし、健康なお肌を保つ為に日焼けはしたくない。そんな時は肌を綺麗にみせてくれて、そして、日焼け止めまで入っているBBクリームがとても便利。私の気に入りはKiehl's BB creamこれは、SPF50なので、日焼けもばっちりガード出来て、春夏時期の必需品。
3. Juice beauty refining finishing powder
Since I became a mother, I have been searching for make up with less chemicals. My favorite face powder is from Juice beauty. The powder contains a blend of organic aloe, tapioca powder, acai and goji berries, and minerals. For that even and smooth skin tone In the morning I just use Kiehl's BB cream and this Juice beauty face powder on top of it. It helps makes my skin look smooth and clean. I love it!
私は、母親になってから、自然はコスメが気になりだしていろいろリサーチをして、お気に入りのフェイスパウダーを見つけた。それは、Juice beauty refining finishing powderこれには、オーガニックアロエ&タピオカパウダー、アサイ&くこの実そしてミネラルの自然のパワーでお肌をスムースに綺麗にしてくれます。朝、私は、 Kiehl's BB creamの上にこのJuice beauty refining finishing powderを使うだけ。それだけで、お肌が綺麗に見える。おススメです。
Almost every morning, I use the Juice beauty refining finishing powder and apply it with a professional face brush. The use of a professional face brush makes your make-up look much better, easier to apply and helps save time. If you don't have a good face brush, I recommend getting one, It is a good investment.
ほぼ毎朝私は Juice beauty refining finishing powderをプロが使うフェイスブラシを使って顔にのせています。プロフェッショナルなフェイスブラシを使用すると、パウダーの付き方も違うし、使いやすいし、そして、時間の節約にもなります。もし、良いパウダーブラシを持っていらっしゃらないのなら、一度良いパウダーブラシに買い換える事をおススメします。メイクの出来が全然違うよ。
5. Obagi professional C serum 20%
This Vitamin - C serum is my must have product in my life. Vitamin - C serum promotes collagen production which plumps skin and reduces the look of wrinkles. This serum helps keep my skin smooth and healthy.
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Rock Mama