How To Make A Stylish Bun
/Do you have any plans to go to a holiday party and don't know what to do with your hair? If you have time, get a nice blow out at a hair salon, you will feel great and glamorous. But, if you are too busy, you can try to make your hair nice and stylish by your self. I will show you how to do it. This hair bun is a continuation from my past blog post, how to make an easy stylish ponytail. If you haven't read the past blog, please read how to make easy stylish ponytail to start this stylish bun.
1. Make a stylish pony tail. Please take a look here, How to make easy stylish pony tail.
1. まずは、ちょっとおしゃれなポニーテイルを作ります。作り方は前に紹介したので、ココからチェックしてね。
2. Braid your hair.
2. 髪を三つ編みにする。
3. Use a hair band to secure the braid.
3. ヘアゴムで三つ編みの毛先を留める。
4. Pull your braid out to make the braid bigger and softer.
4. 三つ編みを少しずつひっぱり、大きな三つ編みを作るようにする。
5. This is how a big and softer braid looks.
5. こんな感じに三つ編みひとつひとつを大きくする。
6. Bring the braid up and around the hair band.
6. 三つ編みした髪をポニーテイルのゴムの上に巻き付けるようにする。
7. Set braid on the ponytail.
7. 三つ編みの先を中に隠す様にする。
8, Open the pin and slide the pin into the ponytail part and above the ponytail part so the bun will stay on your head.
8. ピンを指で少し開き、上から何カ所かピンで留める。
9. Done!
9. 出来上がり!
Practice makes it happen. If you can't do it well today, maybe you can do it well the next time you try. Please try and keep on doing!
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