How To Wear Denim On Denim
/I don't think about fashion trends too much. I wear what I like, when I like. But, this years trend of denim on denim I like! Some of the challenges of wearing denim on denim is that it can end up making you look bulky and masculine which is not the look I want. I am short, at 5 feet, and that makes it even more challenging. Do you want to wear denim on denim and make it look feminine and sexy? Today, I would like to share some points on how to wear denim on denim.
1, Wear dark color denim and light color denim together for better balance.
1, 濃い色のデニムと薄い色のデニムを合わせるてメリハリを出す。
2, If you wear a denim shirt, tuck the shirt in the pants and use a belt.
2, もし、デニムのシャツを着るのなら、シャツはパンツの中にインしてベルトをする。
3, Show a feminine accent such as the ankle or wrist.
3, 女性的な身体のパーツを少し出してフェミニンに。足首とか、手首など。
4, Wear red lip stick:)
4, 赤い口紅をつける:)
Denim Jacket - YANUK
Denim Jumpsuits - GUESS
Belt - Vintage
Boots - Pour La Victoire
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Rock Mama