Made In NYC Hats & Stuffed Animals - Charm NYC
/The Union square holiday market opened November 17th, the market runs until Christmas Eve. I have a few shops that I really like to visit every year. One of the shops is Charm NYC. They sell handmade hats and stuffed animals all made in NYC. The store is run by the two designers. They are a husband and wife team of Ume and Nick Taylor. Ume was born in Japan and she never stopped creating things since she was a little girl. She learned her designing skills at Bunka Fashion Institute in Tokyo, Japan. After she moved to New York she worked as an assistant designer, seamstress, assistant stylist etc... Throughout these times, she started to work on her own line selling in local boutiques and markets. Nick on the other hand has been an artist, musician and photographer since moving to New York City in 1977. He collaborated with artist Jean-Michel Basquiat in their band "Gray" and his photographs have been shown around the globe. With the strength of Ume's design experience and the talent of Nick's creativity, the two have developed their line and established Charm NYC in 2004.
I love their super cute stuffed animals. They call their stuffed animals "Sofa Stuffers" because when placed on the sofa they radiate a happy, warm feeling and are the perfect conversation piece. It could be the special gift for your child this holiday. :) They also have cute hats for children. Please visit Charm NYC in the Union square holiday market. Charm NYC is truly made in NYC, and hand made. Please visit and check them out! I will introduce another one of a kind, made in NYC shop in my next blog. Please stay tuned!
ユニオンスクエアホリデーマーケットが11月17日から開催になりました。今年もクリスマスイブまでの期間限定オープンマーケットです。このマーケットの特徴はニューヨーク在住のアーティストが自らニューヨークで制作し、販売するお店が多いところ。私も毎年、好きなアーティストの商品をチェックしに行きます。今日はマーケット内で私の好きなお店Charm NYCの紹介です。Charm NYCはUme and Nick Taylorさんたち夫婦で運営されていています。ウメさんは日本人の女性の方で、日本で文化服装を卒業されその後ニューヨークに渡米されて、デザインの仕事をしてこられた方。ニックも写真、音楽、デザインなどをなさりお二人ともとてもセンスと人柄の良い方々です。このCharm NYCを始められたのは2004年から。今年で12年目ですね。ニューヨークで10年以上ビジネスを継続するのは大変なことです。
Charm NYCは、女性、男性、子供用の帽子、ぬいぐるみを中心に販売されています。どれも、お二人の人柄だ出ていてセンスが良くって暖かみのあるのが特長です。ニューヨークで制作されたギフトや、自分のためのクリスマスプレゼントをお探しの方!是非是非ユニオンスクエアホリデーマーケットのCharm NYCチェックしてみてくださいね。
Thank you for visiting ROCK MAMA NYC ❤️ XOXO
Rock Mama