How To Do Style Short Bob ボブヘアのアレンジやり方
/I'm a hair stylist in the New York City. Currently, the most popular hair cut request i receive from my clients are bob cuts. Many of my clients are also wondering how to style a bob hair cut. In my last my blog post, I introduced How to curl short bob hair. This time, I would like to introduce How to do updos to a short bob hair cut. You don't have to have long hair for updos.
1. At first, your hair should be curled. Please see my past blog for how.
1. まず、ボブをアップにするのには、髪にカールがついていないと上手くいかないので、髪にカールを付けてください。やり方はココから見れますよ。
3. You will need 2 hair bands and few hair pins.
3. 用意する物は、ヘアゴム2本とヘアピン数本です。
4. Take 1/3 of your hair from the top of your head. Leave the remaining hair alone.
4. 頭のトップから3分の1の髪をとります。この時サイドの髪は一緒に取らずに残しておいてください。
5. Make a tight ponytail using a hair band.
5. ヘアゴムで留める。
6. After you create a ponytail, your hair should look like this.
6. ヘアゴムで留めた後はこんな感じです。
7. Grab your hair at the hair band part and pull your hair up from the top of your hair to make it look softer, and create some height on the top of your head.
7. ヘアゴムの部分を手で押さえながら、頭のてっぺん近くの髪をつまみ出す様に引き出して高さを出し、かつ、柔らかさを出す様にする。
8. Now your hair should look softer with height.
8. 頭のてっぺんがふんわりとしたこんな感じになります。
9. Make a space in the ponytail.
9. 髪をとめた所のゴムの上のスペースを開ける。
10. Bring the ends of the ponytail up and get into the space you created in the ponytail.
10. そのスペースの間に毛先を入れて下に引っ張る。(くるりんぱ)
11. Your hair should look like this.
11. くるりんぱをした後はこんな感じ。
12. Create a ponytail with the remainder of your hair.
12. 残りの髪もポニーテイルにする。
13. If your hair is short. You don't have to bring all the hair up into a ponytail.
13. 髪が短くて全てポニーテイルに出来なくても大丈夫。
14. Make a space in the ponytail. Bring the end of the ponytail up and slip it into the space created in the ponytail.
14. この髪もまた、くるりんぱ。
15. Twist the remaining hair from the nape area and spray with hairspray.
15. そして、残った襟足のかみをねじりスプレーをかける。
16. Pin the hair.
16. ピンで留める。
17. Twist the side of your hair.
17. サイドの髪をねじる。
18. Pin the hair.
18. ピンで留める。
19. Done! Twisting hair is key for a more interesting look.
19. 髪をねじる、くるりんぱが、簡単なアップをオシャレに見せるコツ。
Practice makes it happen. If you can't do it well on the first try, maybe you can do it well the next time you try. Please try and keep on doing. Practice makes perfect!
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Rock Mama