Flying Tiger - A Fun Store To Shop
/Have you ever heard of a store called Flying Tiger? Flying Tiger's concept from their website says:
"Tiger is a Danish design store with a quirky, ever-changing selection of own-designed and branded products at affordable prices, all in whole $. 80 % of all products are priced at under $6. Over time, Tiger’s business focus has shifted from cheap to unique, from generic to own-designed products, from single to multiple price levels, from a spontaneous to a deliberate assortment.
I found about the store when I was visiting Japan. I saw a long line in front of a store to go inside to shop! They are really popular in Japan. I love to shop at the store especially for my son's friends birthday gifts. They have many fun kid's products and all at an affordable price. Two stores in the city, upper east side and the flat Iron.
日本で人気なデンマークのお店フライングタイガーがニューヨークにもやってきました。日本では2012年に大阪でオープンし大人気になり今では24店舗もあるそうです。私がこのお店を知ったのは神戸に行った時に長い行列がお店の前にお店に入って買い物するのにできていて驚きました。ニューヨークにはフライングタイガーがUpper east sideとFlat ironに2店舗あります。こちらでも行列はできていませんが、人気のお店です。
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