Family Trip to Japan - Part 1 - Sanomiya, Kobe

This is the first installment of our spring 2015 family trip to visit family in Japan.  Although our son has been to Japan twice already, this may be the first trip he actually remembers. This is the first post of roughly ten parts brought to you by Rock Papa.

I was born in Japan, raised and educated in the USA and Japan. My family moved to New York when I was around three years old. Almost half a century later, I find myself living in NYC with a wife and young child. One of the many challenges of being multi-cultural and a parent is how to raise our child and instill in him his family heritage, where we come from. Thankfully with technology today, it is easier and more affordable than ever to keep in touch and communicate with family members and relatives scattered abroad, but we still need to go to Japan and have our son experience the country, culture, the people and especially important, spend time with family members and relatives in order to develop a relationship with them.

Our first destination is Sanomiya in Kobe, Japan to visit my parents; this will be our home for the first half of our trip. Kobe is close enough to our intended destinations of other family in Nara, Kyoto, and Shiga. The trip from NYC took a cab ride, 2 flights, and a bus ride totaling 25 hours door to door. We end up losing a day, as Japan is 12, 13 hours ahead of NYC time depending on the season (there is no daylight savings time in Japan).

-          Kobe is the sixth largest City in Japan and is the capital of Hyogo Prefecture on the southern side of the island of Honshu. Kobe is located 30 km west of Osaka on the north shore of Osaka bay. The population is about 1.5 million, and is part of the Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe metropolitan area.

-          For more info about Kobe visit Wikipedia:

-          For more info about Sanomiya visit Wikipedia:

Thanks for stopping in, stay tuned for Part 2!

Rock Papa

2015年春の日本帰省記ブログをシリーズで作りました。約10回に分けて更新していく予定です。これが日本帰省記ブログ記事シリーズ1です。息子は日本に今までに2回行った事がありますが、今回の旅がおそらく彼の記憶に残る初めての旅。この日本帰省記ブログはRock Papaがお届けしています。

私(Rock Papa)は、日本で生まれましたが、3歳でニューヨークに引っ越しアメリカで教育を受け育ちました。約半世紀後の今、妻とまだ幼い子供と一緒にニューヨークに住んでいます。異なった文化で育った私が、いろいろある人生の挑戦の中で今、両親として挑戦しているのは、我が子にどうやって、家族のつながりを受け継がせるのかという事。ありがたい事に今の時代はテクノロジーが発達していて今までよりずっと簡単に低コストで様々な場所にいる家族や、親戚とコミニュケーションがとれるようになったけど、日本の文化を見て感じる事や、家族との一緒の時間を過ごす事によって作り上げられる関係を築くのには、日本行く事が不可欠です。



Rock Papa