Fundraising Event For A Public School in New York City

Fundraising Event For A Public School in New York City

...Fortunately, my son is going to a great school with great teachers which include art, music and dance classes. Another great thing about my son's school is that the parents in the school are very involved and volunteer to raise money for the school a lot. I decided to do what I can for the school fundraising and I offered 2 days of kid's hair cutting in a vintage clothing store recently...

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Sashimi Quality Fish In NYC - Lobster Place at Chelsea Market

Sashimi Quality Fish In NYC - Lobster Place at Chelsea Market

In Japan, we don't make nigiri sushi often at home. But when a group of people get together, we do hand roll sushi party. Hand roll sushi is the easiest type of sushi to make and you can fill it how ever and with whatever you like. One day, we had a sushi party at home in NYC. The challenge is where to get sashimi fish from? I go to the Lobster Place in the Chelsea Market for sashimi quality fish...

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Bonnie Slotnick CookBooks - Cute CookBook Store In The East Village

 Bonnie Slotnick CookBooks - Cute CookBook Store In The East Village

One day, I was walking on East 2nd street in The East Village with my son. He stopped in front of a little store called Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks and he really wanted to go in. A lady in the store saw us and invited us to come into the store. When I stepped into the store, I was surprised at how nice and in good taste the store is. The store is full of well selected vintage kitchen items and books...

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My First Experience With A New York Public School

My First Experience With A New York Public School

I moved to the United States when I was in my mid twenties from Japan. I didn't grow up with an American education. My husband was born in Japan. He moved here to the United States when he was 3 years old and he had an American and International School education. My son was born in NYC and he started going to public pre-k in September last year...

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