Dining Concourse - Grand Central Station

Dining Concourse - Grand Central Station

If you are visiting NYC, you would like to try a trendy restaurant or cafe right? Trendy tasty places are everywhere in NYC. Do you want to walk around in the freezing cold in NYC to get a famous cup cake on the West side, and then go to the East side to get a famous Hamburger? There is a place that you can get many famous restaurant food all in one spot. And it's part of a beautiful train station...

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Dessert Bar ChikaLicious

Dessert Bar ChikaLicious

When you go to a restaurant, do you like to order from the pre-fix menu? Many restaurants in NYC offer a pre-fix menu, and we like to try the pre-fix menu to learn more about the restaurant. Have you ever heard of, or tried a pre-fix dessert only course? Does it it sound good? Today, I'd like to introduce you to my favorite dessert place, ChikaLicious in the East Village of NYC...

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